Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A Dolls House

Here is an update on my 'A Dolls House' By Henrik Ibsen Project. I have read the book, read the book again and again, highlighting important themes, colours and textures to capture the tiniest detail for each character. These aren't the final designs, they are only just initial ideas until i am fully comfortable with using the right media and paper.

I have to say that Doctor. Rank is my favourite man at present. I portray him to be a flamboyant but annoying character, hence the bold colours. Don't you think? :)

                            Krogstad... black and purple is a threatening look to
                        complicate with his blackmailing character towards Nora.

                                   The ever so harmonious Mrs. Linde who is the
                                                old but wise owl friend for Nora. 

                                                The star of the show... Nora - soft baby
                                   colours to represent her personality being a 'doll'

The Sir of the Helmer Household. Torvald is one not to be disobeyed 

Thursday, 10 February 2011

R.e.s.p.e.c.t Goes To Erte & Bakst

Well as my Personal Project for Critical Practices is near; it's time to think of what I am interested/influenced in. I have always been amazed of the beautiful and the sublime illustrations from the wonderful individuals of Leon Bakst and Erte. They are legends, heroes, and in fact should be worshipped. It was them, who, have influenced the way we see theatre today.  In case you are wondering 'who the hell are they?' Once you see for yourself, you will understand what I'm talking about...
(ERTE) Oriental Costume for the Folies-Bergere - 1920.
A good idea for me to add stylish borders around the design to enhance the
painting, but to also understand the cultural needs.

(ERTE) Water; for a show at the Bal Tabarin - 1937.

(ERTE) Snob; for the Ballet Le Bal de L'Opera at the Bal Tabarin - 1939.
This image reflects on the Cosume designs of Pantomime today.

(ERTE) Italian Singer; for the Opera Capriccio at the Opera-Comique in Paris - 1957.

(BAKST) Set design for the Ballet Scheherazade - 1910.
This blew me away when I saw this, never known to have seen any other set designer
to have done this.

(BAKST) Costume design; Beotienne for the ballet Narcisse - 1911

(BAKST) Costume design; Le Faune for the ballet of Claude Debussy - 1912.
One of the most common works that you will see produced by Bakst

(BAKST) Costume design; Le Tsarevitch Ivan for the ballet d'Igor Stravinski, L 'Oiseau de Feu - 1913.
Heavily detailed design which suggests to me that Bakst spent hours and hours
creating this piece. There is much to look at and could stare at it until time goes.

Proud to present Sir Leon Bakst.
(ERTE) Pierrot; for the Ballet Le Bal de l'Opera at the Bal Tabarin in Paris - 1937.

(ERTE) Parrot; for the Ballet Paradise at the Bal Tabarin - 1938.